Aurangabad, BIHAR. AFFILIATION NO - 330147 SCHOOL CODE - 65143

Principal Message  

The destiny of a nation is folded within its budding youth, as is the flower within the close embrace of the petals. That what our youth think today, the Nation will think tomorrow. It is, therefore, highly imperative that our youth be imbued with the highest educational ideals. "Give me the children of a nation" said a philosopher "and I don’t care what happens to the rest." Schools and colleges will have to be training grounds, where bodies will be cared for, where knowledge will be imparted, where faculties will be sharpened, where character will be moulded and where reverence will have to be inculcated for higher values of life. Only then can we hope to lead the world on the path of peace and harmony-a leadership which is our right due.

" Education is the true alchemy that can bring India it next golden age". Education has been defined in terms of the process, relationship between the teacher and taught, as well as in terms of its impact. Firstly knowledge, vidya is classified into two broad categories- Paravidya & aparavidya .  Paravidya is the direct knowledge through experience and perception ( often 'extra sensory) achieved through sadhana Aparavidya is the indirect or paroksha gyan achieved through secondary sources often through sensory mechanism. What we learn in schools and colleges are classified as aparvidya or paroksha gyan. Paroksha gyan has been termed as vigyan and pratyaksha gyan as gyan in the Gayan-vigyan yoga in Gita . Shikshaballi in a TAITTIRIOPANISHAD the teacher is the prior form; the pupil is the later form; knowledge is their junction; instruction is the connection .'
There are two visualized important formulations on the issue of method of learning with quality. One approach talks of four stages to quality learning —I-you learn when you listen to the teacher, II you learn when you study III you learn when you teach, IV you learn when you apply. Thus it is clear that any one source is not enough. It offers a taxonomy of learning — as one moves from listening to application (as depicted in Bloom's taxonomy) .
The second formulation is the multi channel learning paradigm professed in the Hastana Satak of the great epic Mabharata
Acaryat Padmadatte
Padam Sishya Swa-Mehaya
Padmekam Swa Brahmachirimedhayai
Padam Kala kramena Hi.
Means a quarter of learning accrues from the teacher, quarter from the self study and talent one quarter is derived from interaction with prees and rest with time through experience .

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DAV Public School, Daudnagar
Aurangabad, BIHAR-824113
E-Mail :- dav_dnr@yahoo.com

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